Today, I will be sharing a dessert recipe featuring super food of the day: chia seeds. Here are some facts about these seeds.
- 8x more omega than salmon
- 2 tea spoons contains 10 grams of fiber
- They boast 20% protein
- 7x more Vitamin C than oranges
- 5x more calcium than milk
Chia seeds are rich in the good kind of fats (polyunsaturated). They help reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive performance, and reduce high cholesterol. They are also rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from aging and cancer. You can incorporate them into your smoothies, salads, or any dish you would like.
Now, onto the recipe. You will need:
- Almond milk (1 cup)
- Honey/maple syrup/agave nectar (2 table spoons)
- Chia seeds (1/4 cup)
- Fruit of your choice
- Almonds
- Add 1 cup of almond milk, 2 table spoons of honey/maple syrup/agave nectar, and 1/4 cup of chia seeds into a bowl.
- Mix.
- Leave the mixture for 15-30min. Go kill some time on Netflix or dance to some music!
- Cover the bowl and refrigerate over night.
- Place fruit of preference & almonds on top.
If you're too impatient to leave it overnight in the fridge, I suggest you to just leave it in there until it's cool enough to eat.
I hope you guys enjoy the recipe! Show me your chia seed pudding or any of your chia seed creations on Instagram with the hashtag #ParkedOnChiaSeed. Enjoy!